After God created the world and after Satan's uprising in heaven, man fell at some point. Genesis 1-3 contain the biblical narrative of man's creation and fall. Everything, including the sky, planets, seas, vegetation, animals, and everything else, is said to have been created by God, according to the book of Genesis. He said everything was "good" (Genesis 1:25).
However, when God created man, He knelt in the dirt and fashioned a human body out of clay (Genesis 2:7). Then He gave the man a breath of His own life, and "man became a living soul." He addressed him as "Adam." The life of a man was distinct from that of plants and animals. He had an eternal spirit because, according to Genesis 1:28, he had been made in the likeness of God. He was made to resemble God, interact with God, think like God, and enjoy God indefinitely. God then placed Adam in a garden created just for him (Genesis 2:8). God conversed with the man while walking and talking in these idyllic surroundings, taking pleasure in the creation He had made and Adam's enjoyment of it (Genesis 2:19–20; 3:8).
God created Eve from one of Adam's ribs because He did not want the man to be alone. With the exception of the fruit from one tree, he allowed them to enjoy everything in the garden (Genesis 2:16–17). God warned them that they would perish if they ate anything from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.
The serpent, who also played a role in the fall of man, is introduced to us in Genesis 3. Due to his rebellion against God in heaven, Satan had already been banished to Earth (Luke 10:18). Satan appeared to Eve in the form of a serpent and told her that He was withholding good from her rather than forbidding the fruit for her benefit (Genesis 3:1–4). She devoured it and then gave some to Adam (Genesis 3:5). It was consumed by Adam as well, and that is when everything changed. The world created by God was no longer sinless (Romans 5:12). Humanity was in decline.
God expelled Adam and Eve from the garden after the fall of man and set a cherub to watch over the entrance. In order to prevent Adam and Eve from making a comeback and possibly eating from the tree of life and continuing to live in their cursed state forever (Genesis 3:23–24). They had to fend for themselves and find shelter. Adam had to struggle to survive off the land, fighting weeds and thistles, while Eve had to endure childbirth. God cursed this world with suffering and labour as a result of sin.
We refer to this period in human history as the fall of man because, through his disobedience, Adam placed a curse on all future generations. The man who was intended to walk in constant communion with God had fallen from that lofty position. He was destined to exist in a broken world and a broken state, cut off from constant fellowship with a holy God. The temporary earthly effects of sin persisted, despite God's promise that the Seed of the woman would one day deliver them from its eternal effects (Genesis 3:15).