When considering how to share Christ with someone, the beginning point should be the same as John the Baptist's and Jesus'. "Repent, for the kingdom of heaven is nigh," John began his ministry, according to Matthew 3:2. Repentance is defined as a "change of thought" that includes regret for previous wrongdoings (2 Corinthians 7:10), a thorough understanding of the wickedness of sin as it is perpetrated against God (Psalm 51:4), and an intentional desire to turn away from sin and toward God. When Jesus began His public ministry, the first words He spoke were identical to John's (Matthew 4:17).
The good news and the terrible news in biblical evangelism
"Good news" is what the word "gospel" signifies. While many well-intentioned Christians start their evangelistic efforts with the good news of God's love for mankind, unbelievers must first come to terms with the magnitude of the bad news. For starters, sin separates man from a holy, righteous God. Second, God despises sin and is "every day angry with the wicked" (Psalm 7:11). Third, death and judgement are an unavoidable part of life (Hebrews 9:27). Fourth, man is completely powerless to change the circumstance. The good news cannot be successfully delivered until the entire amount of the terrible news is presented.
Evangelism based on the Bible – God's holiness
The holiness of God is missing from much modern evangelism. The seraphim surrounding the throne in Isaiah's vision of heaven laud God's holiness. They sang of God's holiness, not His love, out of all the traits they could have commended. "And they were exclaiming, 'Holy, holy, holy is the LORD Almighty; the whole earth is full of his splendour.'" Isaiah 6:3 is a prophecy from the prophet Isaiah. We can begin to comprehend God's hatred of sin and rightful wrath against sinners once we comprehend His holiness. Pride, lying, murder, false witness, those who stir up trouble, and people with wickedness in their minds are all sins that God despises, according to Zechariah 8:16-17 and Proverbs 6:16-19. We shudder at the thought of God genuinely hating, because we prefer to think of Him as a loving God, which He most surely is. His wrath, on the other hand, is genuine, and it rages against evil (Isaiah 5:25; Hosea 8:5; Zechariah 10:3).
Evangelism based on the Bible – salvation through Jesus Christ
The positive news, on the other hand, is now available. God accomplished on the cross what man could not save himself. We can stand before God fully clean and pure, new creations with the old sin nature gone forever, because Jesus swapped His righteous, holy nature for our sinful nature (2 Corinthians 5:17-21). God supplied the ideal sacrifice for our sin because of His love, kindness, and mercy, not because we deserved or earned it (Ephesians 2:8-9). Only those who have had their natures altered are able to avoid God's wrath and dwell in the light of His compassion and mercy. We will spend eternity with Christ in the happiness and splendour of heaven if we believe these things and commit our life to following Christ by faith. This is excellent news.
Prayer for the Holy Spirit's guidance in witnessing, open doors of opportunity, and a clear grasp of the bad news of sin and wrath and the good news of love, grace, mercy, and faith are all part of biblical evangelism.