"A salvation confession is made with the mouth" (Romans 10:10). With your mouth, confessing Christ as your Living Lord and Saviour invites God's salvation into your life. Our correct oral confession is a crucial essential to obtaining what God has supplied for us by his grace, because salvation contains numerous benefits and rewards.
"Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will devour its fruit," we should remember. Proverbs 18:21 is a verse from the book of Proverbs. The power of the tongue is found in the words we say. All of our words have an impact on the spiritual environment around us, for better or worse. Covenants and promises are established via the use of words. Our faith or apprehensions are represented through words. Bad words allow evil spirits to work their magic. Good words allow God and His angels to conduct their work.
The VOICE of God's Word is heard by angels (Psalms 103:20). Words are spiritual seeds that can be planted. Words of life give birth to life. Faith comes from words of faith. Affection is created by words of love. Hope-inducing words engender more hope, and so on. Death words attract spirits of death, doubt words attract spirits of doubt, fear words attract spirits of fear, and so on. As a result, we must be cautious about what we SAY. The Bible has a lot to say about this, particularly in the Book of Proverbs (e.g. Proverbs 10:19, 20, 31, 32; 12:18, 22; 14:23, 33; 15:1, 4, 28). "But I say to you, for every idle word men may talk, they will answer for it on the day of judgement," Jesus replied. For it is by your words that you will be justified, and it is through your words that you will be condemned. (Matthew 12:36,37; Mark 10:36,37). "And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him," Paul added. (3:17) Colossians 3:17
The word confession (Greek: homologeo) literally means "to say the same thing." To confess the Word of God then means to declare the same thing as God’s Word says. It tends to produce faith when you say it because you must hear it from your own voice, and hearing the Word causes faith to come (Romans 10:17). You connect YOURSELF with the truth of God's Word by expressing the Word yourself. It's one thing to listen to someone else say something; it's quite another to express it yourself. You will believe God's Word the more you say it, and the more you repeat it, the more you will believe it.
Because our thoughts have not been adequately renewed, it can be difficult to talk consistently with what the Bible says at times. We are still filled with scepticism. We must retrain our subconscious minds to believe in God's ideals and promises without reservation (Romans 12:2). Here, meditation, repeated contemplation, effective preaching, confession of the Scripture, and educated study will help. We must allow the Word to penetrate deeply into our hearts. This will alter who we are, how we communicate, and how we respond to hardships and challenges. If it doesn't, we've been treating the Bible too superficially. We've replaced true meditation and confession with cerebral comprehension and awareness of the words.