Paul makes the claim that God's invisible attributes, specifically his eternal power and divine nature, have been plainly perceived in creation ever since the creation of the world in order to support the argument that all humanity has fallen short of God's glory and needs to receive God's grace through faith in Jesus. Thus, they have no justification (Romans 1:20, ESV). God has revealed elements of Himself to all people (Romans 1:19), thus there is no longer any justification for disbelief. Creation is a manifest demonstration of God's infinite nature, eternal power, and immeasurable characteristics.
It is amazing how plainly something invisible—which is by definition unseeable—has been seen in creation. However, God's creation makes His invisible qualities known (Romans 1:20). What God has made is evidence of His omnipotence and divine essence. Anyone who observes creation may comprehend these features, thus there is no reason not to believe. Because God has made the truth of who He is transparent to everyone, it is wicked (Romans 1:19) to suppress the truth.
The Bible instructs us numerous times to look to creation to learn about God. The birds, the beasts, the ground itself, and the sea creatures can all teach us about God and how He created them, according to Job 12:7-9. He has the life of all creatures in His hand (Job 12:10). The heavens themselves proclaim the handiwork of God and His splendour (Psalm 19:1). Every day and night that passes reveals information (Psalm 19:2). God has intimate awareness of His creation since He is its Creator (Isaiah 40:12), and since the earth's creation, He has made Himself known via it (Isaiah 40:21). Isaiah exhorts us to gaze upward to see God's creation (Isaiah 40:26). The simple fact that the heavens are there is a declaration of God's intangible qualities, His enduring strength, and His divine character.
The creation of God and God's omnipotence are linked in the Bible. God has power over everything since He is the creator of everything. The crucial foundation for our comprehension of who God is is provided by the biblical account of creation.
Paul argues that everyone is responsible to God so that readers may see their need for the good news of Jesus Christ. Everyone is to blame, and those who reject Him are hiding the truth out of unrighteousness. There is not even one good person (Romans 3:12). God knows what is required to restore humanity and all of creation since He is the Creator. Although everyone has fallen short of God's glory (Romans 3:23), He nonetheless justifies everyone who puts their faith in Jesus (Romans 3:23, 38).
Much about God is revealed in God's creation. Creation provides ample evidence of God's divine essence, omnipotence, and other invisible characteristics. Examining His creation helps us understand who He is. We can witness God's power and splendour when we study the more than 100 billion galaxies. We can observe God's wisdom and expertise when we examine the intricate workings of a live cell. We may see God's wisdom and foresight when we contemplate the 60,000 miles of blood vessels that are thoughtfully positioned throughout the human body.
The Scriptures (2 Timothy 3:16-17), through which God has also made Himself known, let us grasp how He has dealt with our sin and guilt via His grace and indwelling faith in the person of Jesus Christ (Ephesians 2:8–9). We can better understand our need for God's grace and where to look to find it by looking at God's apparent traits in creation.